Changing in Courseware Downloading Process

As many already know, the LDC (Microsoft Learning Download Center) has been retired. This change follows compliance and security requirements by Microsoft. The LDC will be replaced, but this is not an immediate available change. During this replacement process, Microsoft give access to OneDrive as an interim courseware distribution tool for all trainer materials. While you, as an MCT, have…

MCT enrollment Tool will be offline

As previously announced through multiple communication channels, the MCT Enrollment Tool will be undergoing mandatory security updates beginning May 28th, 2024. It is not specified when the tool will be back online. You will not be required to renew while the MCT Enrollment Tool is offline. Expiration date is automatically extended. Please check your transcript under Microsoft Certified Trainer History, not Active Certifications. Please remember…

MCT Benefit

Program Benefits After become MCT, you will gain access to different benefits. Exams discounts You Microsoft dashboard will be personalized with new content from MCT, you will have discount on exams and on material. Discount on exams is 75%, a great help to be certified! Beta exams Microsoft constantly update certifications. When this happens, new exams are out. In this…

How to renew the MCT status

PLEASE NOTE MCT RENEWAL TOOL IS CURRENTLY OFFLINE You are a Microsoft Certified Trainer and you are ready to renew your partecipation in the program, but you don’t know how to renew? Read this! Requirements to renew your MCT status Microsoft Certifications Note: From December 31, 2021 if you teach legacy courses they will be not counted as valid classes…