MCT Connect Virtual Conference 2023 – Registration Now Available
In December 2022 we announced the date for MCT Connect Conference 2023, opening on March 8, 2023.
Now is finally possible to register for the 3rd Annual MCT Connect Virtual Conference.
Trainer Readiness and Innovation is just here!
Stephanie Jasmin will open the conference talking about the MCT Program Updates, many others will follow! Let’s present some of them!
- Wilfred Paroubek speaking about the LP community
- Albert Kirkpatrick driving engagement in a virtual Delivery
- Priyanka Agrawal introducing Azure Machine Learning
- Julian Sharp and his skills on teaching Microsoft Power Platform
- Brian Qu increasing engagement with gamification
- Chris Hoard & Dwayne Natwick presenting Learn and ILT value
- Vassilis Ioannidis taking care of thinking about accessibility
- Mesut Aladag and Azure Hybrid 2.0 with the Power Of Azure Arc & MS Learn Learning Tools
This is just a part of what you will see!
It is possible to subscribe now from the MCT Central !
If you don’t find the link please follow instructions
Unfortunately is not possible to publish the registration link on an open page. To find the link for registration just connect to MCT Central , scroll till the bottom of the page and you will find the Registration link as per the image below. You can search for “2023 mct connect conference” while in the page to reach it directly.

Enjoy it!
Where is the registraion button for Virtual MCT conference on this page.
I am sent here ( when I try to sign up. But I don’t see a place to sign up.
the registration is available at the link .
Once you are on the page, scroll till the bottom and you will find the registration link.
This link now sends us to Learn-page – probably because the conference starts tomorrow
I won’t be able to join the whole MCT Connect Virtual Conference 2023 but would like to have access to parts of it. Can I sign up for the conference now?
It is still possible to register.
In case you are not logged in Microsoft can redirect you on public page.
Please click on the link MCT Central on this page, login with your mct account, and then go again directly to the link. The post is updated with information to search the registration link.
I still cannot find the link for the registration after search for days.
Unfortunately is not possible to publish the registration link on an open page.
The post is updated with information to search the registration link. To find the link for registration just connect to MCT Central (link in this page), scroll till the bottom of the page and you will find the Registration link as per the image in the post. You can search for “2023 mct connect conference” while in the page to reach it directly.
To others having trouble with registration:
At last I made it – opened Edge InPrivate and logged in with my private Outlook-account because its not the job-account that is used for MCT registrations