XtremeLabs – New Dynamic Labs, CoPilot Labs and Extra Savings on Lab Purchases

As you may have heard, the Microsoft Azure Pass program is set to retire. Microsoft recently announced the removal of Azure Passes for the last two labs, SC-200 and SC-300. Learning partners who have already purchased labs for SC-200 or SC-300 will have the following options:

  1. SC-200 standard labs can be replaced for our existing Cloud Express Pass lab option. Our team is currently finalizing the Cloud Express Pass version of the SC-300 labs. Please keep an eye out for that in the coming weeks.
  2. Labs can be replaced for another available MOC course
  3. Labs can be returned, and a credit will be issued that can be used towards another lab purchase.

New labs are available in the XtremeLabs Marketplace!! Those labs can be purchased directly from XtremeLabs Marketplace or by contacting our Sales Team.  The new labs include:

Labs Spotlight

Check our Marketplace for the latest on Copilot labs available utilizing our Cloud Express Pass – For Co-Pilot option.

End 2024 by saving 18% off any lab purchases made on the XtremeLabs Marketplace, now through December 31, 2024. Use discount code XTREMESAVEDEC18% when placing your order.

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