Exam AZ-305: Azure Solutions Architect Expert – Beta is waiting for you with discount code!
Azure Solutions Architect Expert is one of the AZ high level certifications. To obtain it you had only one way till now, you needed to Earn the Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate certification, and pass the Exam AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies and the Exam AZ-304: Microsoft Azure Architect Design.
This will be possible before they retire on March 31th 2022.
From today it is finally possible to earn the Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification by earn the Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate certification and pass the new Exam AZ-305! This exam is now in Beta and it is possible to get 80 percent off market price by using the code AZ305OAKDALE. The code is not private and the seats are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
You can take the exam in beta with the code below before December 17, 2021!
If you already passed the AZ-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies , you can get the Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification by passing the Exam AZ-304 or the Exam AZ-305.
If you already passed the Exam AZ-304: Microsoft Azure Architect Design you need to pass the Exam AZ-303 before they retire on March 31th 2022.
Check out now the skills outline and prepare to you exam!
If you never took a Microsoft Certification, have a look at Value of a Certification!
Good luck!